Hellborus Fields
Updated: 19/10/2024
Read (Main Story)
Read (Side Story)
After much procrastination and being busy the chapters and sites have been updated to reflect Rschvanya's accurate name (changing the "i" to "y")Things have been real busy on my end. I'm in the process of moving out of my house and hopefully a new state, which means been doing a lot of work to earn some extra money to help out with that...and dealing with my dad.Thank you all for those still doing fanart and fanworks of this. I love them so much and I treasure them! <3
Chapter 14 has been uploaded. Birthday in 2 days and I'm tired. Haha at burnout. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Igor profile picture added. Also fixed the date interface. Forgot I made it DD/MM/YYYY
Masque CH1, Yanni's side story, is out.Sorry for the absence of updating the site and story. A lot has been going on and a lot has been on my plate.If you haven't been following Twitter...well here's why.On Thanksgiving Day, my dad suffered a stroke. We rushed him to the ER and they had to fly him out to the New Orleans area to flush the stroke out of his brain since, as usual, my hospital is ill-equipped.Luckily he made it through...but suffered a lot. He had trouble feeling his limbs for a bit, couldn't feed himself, and couldn't stand to walk. Each day my mom and I travelled back and forth to visit him (and the traffic is HELL).Ever since though, his recovery has been slow but steadily improving. He's able to walk, fix himself food, feed himself, and work in his shed for a bit. The biggest issue right now is his speech. It's getting a bit better but it's a struggle.Because of that, my responsibilities increased and being burnt out (including continuing therapy with him when I can), my free time is usually playing video games (sometimes in there for so long that I actually gotta stop and go help him). Another thing too with drama going on as well really takes a toll out of me.I'm glad to have my dad with me and I'm treasuring each moment and milestone with him. I realize that I don't know how long he'll be with me. Could be just today, tomorrow, few weeks, or maybe a couple of years. But I won't take that for granted. We weren't that close as we never had the right stuff to say or deal with it.I know not everyone had a biological father that was there for them...but I'm pretty sure that someone had a father-figure or a figure they looked up to as being a parent to them.Treasure each moment. Tell them you love them before you go to sleep. Tell them that you thank them for being here everyday.
Sascha's profile added.
REDACTED: Chapter 2 of Hellborus Fields: Side Stories has been added!Aileen Portrait added, some tidbits added on Valene and Aileen's page.
Chapter 13 has been posted!
Thanks for your patience! Handzy opened a Ko-Fi page so I added that to the Donate section. Please support her!Also added Nikolai's and Father Siergie's portrait. Added a page for Andrei.
Not dead, I apologize for the lack of updating the website and more. Alot of shit has/is happening and well this has led me to a lot of burnout. (not to mention the "walking on eggshells" and cancel culture with the FNF comunity also contributes to it =_=) You can see what's been going on my instagram page at "jilloftradesla."Ch 13 of main is 50 percent done, Ch2 of Redacted is 80 percent done, and Yanni's side story "MASQUE" is 60 percent done.Nikolai's and Siergie's design is done and need to update the galleries more. Thanks for sticking around and maybe I'll try to get an RSS feed going if possible.
Hey folks! No I'm not dead. It's been a busy month for me. My room is being remodeled and painted so been cramped in a tiny space. My computer has been slowly dying so been grinding some offers to help pay for my new one. Also been busy for Father's Day and prepping for my mom's and my own birthday.If you want to help, feel free to donate. Every little bit helps and is appreciated. Thank you to all loyal fans! I treasure each and everyone of you. <3
Igor profile added.
Profile and artwork of Valene added.
Website launched! Let me know if there are any bugs or issues.
coming soon
This is a historical fiction story with some fantasy elements. Some of the traditions and mannerisms may not be completely accurate to the culture. All characters in this story are completely fictional, and any resemblance is highly coincidental. This story does not promote, approve, or disapprove of any type of government, ideology, and/or religion.
Questions & Answers
What is Hellborus Fields?
Hellborus Fields is a story that takes place in early 1900s Russia in a military-controlled unnamed village; inspired by Handzy's two characters: Krusveto and Rschvanya. It is a historical fiction with some fantasy elements in it. It has love, humor, betrayal, and tragedy while staying true to its cultural roots.The story is initially a fanfiction for Handzy's characters and their lore, but grew and evolved more to be in depth with many original characters who were meant to be filler.
Is the title a typo?
No, it is intentional and a pun. The title is a play on words with "Hell" and the "Helleborus" flower (also known as "Hellebores" and many other names). The flower has many meanings, which ties to the many fates of each characters' story and the main story. Though to be honest at first, I typo'ed the title many times!Note that the story had two chapters already written, but not a title to it. After frantic searching for flowers native to Russia and symbolism, this title was came up within 30 minutes flat.
Are all the characters in the story yours?
Krusveto, Rschvanya, Vantoevski, and Evra are Handzy's characters. Piter was joint created by me and Handzy. The lore of the four is also created by her. The rest of the characters are created and owned by me. Any story or chapter using her characters are approved by her before published.
Some heights of the characters here are much different than the other ones shown/described. What's going on?
Basically there were two versions of heights and weights: stickman form and human form. With the growing amount of characters, it would be too much for me to convert height and weight of a stickman to human, so their human heights and weights are listed as such for consistency's sake.
Is there a rating for the story?
The rating for the story is mainly for older teens to young adults, due to suggestive themes, violence, disturbing scenes, language, and difficult subjects that may be discussed. Viewer discretion is advised for younger ages. So, parents, don't blame me if you leave your child unattended on the internet.
Does this take place in the Friday Night Funkin' universe/fandom?
While the main inspiration for Krusveto and Rschvanya started as a trend for Ruv's fan-made parents, but also enjoyed mainly by those interested in Russian culture; this is subjective. The story was written for both to enjoy for those within and not within the FnF universe/fandom.Mainly, it goes both ways. Reading it because of its association with FnF? That's fine. Reading it as a standalone series? That's fine as well. I don't associate with the FnF fandom though, but you may notice a few easter eggs here and there.
How often do you update the story?
There are two sections: the main story and the side stories, adding extra information to the main story but not really required to read. Either way, update times for both may vary. Sometimes it's a chapter a month, or a chapter after a couple of months. I write the story and piece it up together like a jigsaw puzzle, so don't be shocked if there's multiple chapters within an update!
The story is on many different sites. Which is the best version to read?
Ao3 is recommended since it has colored text and easy to keep up with; and you can hover over some text to find extra info and meanings. However, some people don't touch that site due to reasons (understandably), and most mobile viewers have a difficult time viewing.The second choice is Wattpad, which is mobile friendly and recommended for those preferring a "book" view. The story is also available on Inkitt and Fictionpress for your convenience on which site you normally use. If there is a site I didn't upload to that you use, let me know, and I'll get it on there!
Will you publish the story in a physical copy as a book?
That would be nice, and if the demand is high enough, I will consider self-publishing it-hopefully both versions, including the one with colored text!
Is the story available in other languages?
Currently, it is available in only english (and has a few russian words in it with translations). If you wish to translate it in another language, feel free to do so, but please link back and credit the original story!
Are you an expert in the Russian culture?
None at all, and I'm still learning! I do my best to research when I write something to make sure it is accurate as possible. I also play games that are based on Russia's culture to get a good idea on it too (Ragnarok Online's Moscovia, Metro 2033, Midsummer Night, etc).Of course, it isn't always perfect, and I do consult a couple of people while working on a chapter. My knowledge in the language is basically 0.1 percent, and I use translation services...so we know how that goes. If something is inaccurate, especially the language, don't be afraid to let me know!
How long have you've been writing?
On and off since I was around 10 years old (Come on. We all wrote cringe at one point lol). I don't have a degree or anything related to writing, and all my works are done as a hobby with skill growing overtime. Basically, 23 years.
Handzy is the artist behind the lore and her characters Krusveto, Rschvanya, Vantoevski, and Evra-as well as Piter who we created together.Due to the large amount of artwork done by her for the characters, most of it is hosted on a separate site.You can click below to go to her gallery.

Name: Aileen O'Brien
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5'6 (167.64 cm)
Weight: 177 (80.3 kg)
Dragging herself alongside her sister, Valene, Aileen is almost the complete opposite when compared to her. A slacker and talker behind people's back, she tells things as it is from her own perspective-and doesn't even sugarcoat it.Aileen is close to her sister, Valene, so when she heard the news that she volunteered for an exchange program, Aileen immediately stood beside her and went with her. Of course, it was a job that Aileen hated; but seeing as she wasn't close to her mother, father, or anyone else in the family, it was worth it as long as she was with her sister.Aileen has jealousy issues as she was the black sheep of an Irish noble family, but Valene always took the time to hang out with her. Seeing how Valene was always under the pressure of expectations, she was just as neglected as her sister.Despite all that, life has been better for her-even making herself home at the station. The opinions of her peers are a mixed bag, as she treats everyone equally-even those above her and gives no special treatment to criminals; whether they be rich, famous, or none of the above. Either way, life seems a bit more exciting than the upscale living she grew up in.
Fun Facts
Aileen's pattern is based on the "The Awen," also known as "The Three Rays of Light." It was believed to have different meanings, such as division of souls, borderline between feminine and masculinity, and harmony of opposites.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Alexandr
Height: -
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Alexandr was originally planned to be the "Homeless Man," but it was very difficult and didn't make much sense trying to link the stories and lore together. One of the drafts was a point where Rschvanya already knew Alexandr was dead.
Alexandr's journal was inspired by my close friend, who keeps a lot of journals and packs them to the brim (which I now adopted).
Main Story Chapters:
Indirect mentions in all chapters except:
Chapter 3, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, and Chapter 12.
Side Story Chapters:
MASQUE Chapter 1

Name: Andrei
Gender: Male
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Andrei's name was formerly Alex but was changed to avoid confusion with the other character, Alexandr.
Main Story Chapters:
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Ardalion
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Height: 6'4 (193.04 cm)
Weight: 163lbs (73.9 kg)
Lord Ardalion's behavior is cold and calculating. He doesn't delve deep into things and when he does or something happens, he covers his tracks and make sure no evidence points to him. This is also why he doesn't have many and only few connections to others.He is known as one of the few nobles to have a prison. He uses it to punish servants or people who dare to break in. He shows mercy to those who break in, but those who take it lightly are sent back to the station. His request is that if they did not cooperate to his demands (such as finding his stolen goods), he wants them dead. Rumors spread that sometimes he invites desperate peasants into his home to trap them and lock them in his prison, just to have his sick kicks on torturing others when he is in a bad mood.Other than that, he is a wine connoisseur and a book reader. He was once married but his wife died after she was accidently poisoned instead of him. Ardalion's relationship to her was neutral while she saw him as a friend)
Fun Facts
Coming soon...
Main Story Chapters:
Indirect mentions in Chapter 5
and Chapter 11.
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Dimyen
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Coming soon...
Main Story Chapters:
Side Story Chapters:

Full Name: Gennadievich Evgeniy Zhenyevich
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5'7 (170.18 cm)
Weight: 113lbs (51.3 kg)
Lord Evgeniy grew up living a noble life. Neglected by his mother and a mere laughing stock of being an unskillful noble by women, he ended up hating them. While he was not treated with much luxuries growing up, he saved every ruble and trinket he could to work his way up being an independent merchant. It started with simple sales on the street, a small stall in the market, and growing its way to con others with fake treasures for a lot of money-all at the young age of 14.He made a name for himself with travelers, and the stories spread to the point where he was a well-known celebrity within the economies. After many deals and successful sales he became one of the richest nobles in the district, even securing an audience with the royals to own land.Now Lord Evgeniy lives an extravagant life he missed out when he was young and is currently adorned with praise, admiration, and jealousy. He wasn't able to get much on his own, but as he currently has an endless supply of money, he can buy his way to bend the rules as the world is now his oyster.
Fun Facts
Evgeniy's design was inspired by Ragnarok Online's Geneticist class, where it's part of the Merchant class tree.
Evgeniy's favorite color was made on the spot as I was playing Earthbound during that time in the "Happy Happy Village" area.
Evgeniy is the only character where his human height and stickman height is the same.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 2 (Indirect mention)
Chapter 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (mention)
Chapter 10 (mention)
Chapter 12
Chapter 14 (Including flashback cameo)
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Evra
Gender: Female
Height: -
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Evra was a fan-made character by Handzy for the Hellborus Field universe.
Main Story Chapters:
Side Story Chapters:
MASQUE Chapter 1 (in background)

Name: Berivsevich Igor Fimanov
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 6'2 (187.8cm)
Weight: 158lbs (71.7kg)
A delinquent and troublemaker at a young age, Igor had a difficult life living for survival in the slums with his parents. From pickpocketing in the streets and markets to causing fights with other kids and gangs, he was the type of boy who was in constant trouble with the police department. However, overtime, he managed to do a better job to keep things and himself hidden; and while doing that, met Piter as a child. This has encouraged the young soldier to take advantage of his power and let loose once in a while to have fun, and the delinquent himself to easily get away with more things due to that.In order to have the upper hand as a citizen-and to have a clean slate, Igor worked his way up and ended up pulling strings in order to become an officer. He ended up training alongside Mikhail, with the latter being a punching bag of insults from time to time. Seeing how the popularity of the department was, it didn't take long for him to use leeway of his power to get things for free; and to have bragging rights to impress ladies-despite the bad luck he constantly has with them.Igor is now enjoying and taking advantage of life. Once powerless for survival as a kid, he is now prestiged of using his job as a way to get away with things as well as taking stuff without paying; but how far will he go in order to keep the favor in his job? Only time will tell when he questions his morality on crossing a line...
Fun Facts
Igor and Vasil are based on the recurring characters of Biggs and Wedge in the Final Fantasy series.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 9 through Chapter 11
Chapter 14 (Including indirect mention in flashback)
Side Story Chapters:
MASQUE Chapter 1

Full Name: Savskovinov Krusveto Lvrenski
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 7ft (213.36 cm)
Weight: 235lbs (106.6 kg)
Krusveto was born into a normal family. His parents were police officers who didn't spend enough quality time with him despite caring deeply for him. One day, Krusveto heard the sobbing of a girl who sounded no older than he was. He investigated the source of the crying, to find it coming from a barred window beyond his reach deep within an alleyway. He tried to ask the girl if she was okay, to which she responded no in between her sobs. He started to probe further, but his questions were either unanswered or drowned out by her sobbing. He would lean against the wall and accompany her as she calmed down. The girl never told him her name, nor did she tell him why she was crying; but she didn't want him to tell her his name either or else he would suffer the same fate as her.One day, Krusveto walked to the barred window as usual, but this time, he didn't get a response. Even if it was dead silent, the boy would talk to himself, as if his mysterious friend was still there. Later that same day, he visited the compound once again, but was met with a crowd surrounding what looked like a massive pile of burnt rubble and debris. The police taped off what used to be a building and begun investigating. Krusveto had a sick feeling in his stomach. He didn't want to be there anymore, and so he went back home.The next morning, Krusveto's father had brought in the daily newspaper and begun browsing through it. As the boy was helping his mother brew coffee for his father, out of the corner of his eye, his father's eyes shot wide open. His face went a few shades paler, but he regained his composure as his beloved wife asked if everything was alright, to which he flashed a smile and said that it was fine. Needless to say, Krusveto's father's reaction piqued his curiosity. As his father and mother headed out to work, he picked up the newspaper and started reading. The first few pages were relatively fine, but soon, multiple big bold captions were spread among pages, each more terrifying than the last."Abandoned Facility Mysteriously Catches Fire; Multiple Victims Injured, Some Dead; Children Found Dead in the Basement; Police Still Investigating."There were several images of the incident in black and white, some had injured victims. Krusveto immediately closed the newspaper and threw it away from him. He believed his friend was one of the victims, he started sweating, yet the room wasn't hot. His breathing pace was a little unstable, but he knew crying about it wouldn't help. It wouldn't change anything. The best thing he could do was move on, but some part of him had many unanswered questions. Who was she? What was the building for? The answers in the nespaper didn't satisfy him, as it was backed up by lackluster evidence. He eventually swore to himself he would unravel the mystery one day.One night, a week after the incident happened, Krusveto was sitting on the couch patiently waiting for the familiar rustle of keys at the door; but it never came. Eventually he dozed off on the sofa, until the sound of someone knocking on the door woke him up. He turned the knob on the handle, expecting to be greeted by his parents, but was instead greeted by a police officer under the same company. The officer held his hat to his chest, and had a solemn look in his eyes. In a recent shoot out, both of Krusveto's parents had died in the line of duty. He was taken in by his wealthy aunt and uncle, whom he never got to know. His parents barely mentioned them, and they always found excuses to change the topic whenever they are brought up.Krusveto's aunt and uncle used to constantly spoil him with gifts, even though he didn't like any gift in particular. However, he was still grateful for the effort his seemingly good-natured relatives put into making sure that he was happy. In return, Krusveto abided by their rules and carried out any sort of request they had out of appreciation. Over the course of time, he had slowly turned into their plaything for enertainment. The boy was forced into participating in activities he had no interest in. Disobeying and voicing his opinions meant punishment, as well as reminders of their efforts to keep him contented.After a few years, he was brought to a recently constructed church to pray with his relatives and their business partners. That was where he met a priest. The priest looked at Krusveto and began to question if he was alright. The boy had baggy eyes, a dull look, and some of his fingers were wrapped in bandages. He was no longer the cheerful child he used to be. The priest's question remained unanswered, but Krusveto turned to look at his relatives who were talking with their partners, and back to the priest."Something seems to be troubling you child. Come to the church sometime. I'll be here to listen." The priest said. After a few days, Krusveto had found some free time and decided to take up the priest's offer. He secretly went to the church under the guise of misplacing something important at his teacher's home. As he entered the church, he was warmly welcomed by the priest, who offered him a seat at once of the nearby benches. The priest sat down with him and listened as the boy explained why he was afraid of speaking to others as his aunt and uncle may have punish him. Soon he vented to the priest, talking about his true feelings that have been locked away for years. The priest comforted him. While doing so, he told him about the word of God. After they were done talking and before Krusveto was about to leave, the priest gave him a cross necklace as a little gift before letting him off.Krusveto continued his daily routine of exiting the household to visit the priest. He had always came up with a multitude of excuses, like attending extra lessons from his teachers. The first few weeks went by without any issues. His aunt and uncle weren't aware of his visits to the local church. However, that would all change as Krusveto left hims home. It was time for the maids to clean up. They swept up the floor, vacuumed the dust, and mopped every corner and every room. As she was satisfied with the cleanliness of the room, she prepared to exit.Krusveto's aunt walked across the room to the door, until a step was met with the soft creak of the floorboards, slightly muffled by the carpet above it. She moved the carpet away to check the floorboards to find out that there was one floorboard that sounded a little hollow when she tapped her fist on it. There was a small hole at the corner. After lifting the floorboard up, a small compartment was revealed. Inside the compartment was a thick hardback book with multiple page markers sticking out. While the compartment was dusty, the book was relatively clean. The book had not been in there for long. Upon flipping to the next few pages, Krusveto's aunt could immediately tell who it belonged to. She began flipping page after page, reading what Krusveto had recorded in his diary...Krusveto ran back home as the sky started to pour. He opened the door and looked around. His aunt and uncle were sitting in the living room with the darkness partially hid their stone, cold expressions. The boy was getting nervous, as if there was something wrong. His uncle reached down to pick up something rectangular and placed it on the table. Krusveto could barely see what it was, as if on cue, a bolt of lightning struck down and giving him a quickl glimpse of what was on the table.Upon recognizing what it was, he froze with fear. He turned to face his uncle, but was unable to get any words out. As the lights were turned on, Krusveto's aunt stood up and slapped him before flashing a false smile. "I'm sure you must be worried about how we might punish you for this, given how you've described us in your little diary; but we have decided to give you another chance." The boy gulped. "Burn the diary and then we will forget all of this happened; and we can start over. OR, you can leave."Krusveto weighed his decisions. While he wanted to stay, he knew that he would not be happy here. His relatives weren't exactly the most trustworthy people. Ultimately, he chose to leave. Krusveto walked to the stairs, but his uncle immediately grabbed his arm tightly. "Did we say you could pack your belongings?" Krusveto walked towards the door and opened it. Facing the downpour, he turned towards his aunt. "Leave, you will no longer be welcomed here." His aunt said in a monotone voice. His uncle grabbed his diary and threw it into the rain. Krusveto immediately ran up to it, trying to protect it from the water. Although muffled by the sound of the heavy rain, he could make out the sound of the door slamming shut.He clasped the book to his chest, and towards the only other place he could think of: the church. As he explained his situation to the priest, the priest eventually took him under his wing. He taught him more about God's words, giving him something he didn't feel in a long time: joy. Eventually, Krusveto became a cop, and moved into a neighboring town to start his career.
Fun Facts
Coming soon...
Young Krusveto
Main Story Chapters:
All except Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (indirect mention)
Chapter 9 (mention)
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Mikhail
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Originally, Mikhail did not have a scar. However, due to fan requests (and fan art by PintoSwinto) the scar became canon.
Mikhail is an atheist.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (indirect mention)
Chapter 14
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Platonov Nikolai Kuzmich
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Height: 6'0 (182.88 cm)
Weight: 142lbs (64.4 kg)
Before becoming General, Nikolai was raised for the majority of his life in a military boarding school. Sent away at a very young age, his only family were the boys and teachers of the school. Without having much knowledge of the outside world, he was taught and flooded with propaganda of outside countries-and the importance of protecting his own as well.Whenever he wasn't in class or going through physical training, he would spend time alone reading in his room while his roommate was gone; or he would hang out with others and sometimes they would test their bravery. Rumors spread of crazy amalgamates, like a two-headed dog, a radioactive shadow, or a person crawling around without any limbs. A few times they have snuck in and out of the experimental tunnels linked to the school-but it always resulted in either getting caught or proven to be too scary.After graduating, Nikolai worked his way up to being the perfect text-book example of a student, soldier, and soon to General. After hearing a report of something classified being leaked by one of the soldiers, Vantoevski, that said soldier was ousted for being a traitor and ran off. Shortly after, this has lead to Nikolai losing his lieutenant, Alexandr; who ended up gone missing-supposedly running away from the army as well.To be sure that his next one wouldn't betray him or get any ideas, he came across a family of soldiers, and one boy proved to be of interest to him...
Fun Facts
Coming soon...
Main Story Chapters:
All flashbacks in:
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (mention)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (mention)
Chapter 14 (Flashback)
Side Story Chapters:

Full Name: Polkvoinich Piter Yaroslavich
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6'2 (188 cm)
Weight: 143lbs (65 kg)
Piter comes from a family line of soldiers, known to have an undying loyalty to the federation. As a child, he heard many stories from his father and mother about the amazing adventures and heroic deeds that his family and soldiers have done to save others. While he underwent his routine training by his father; he was met by General Nikolai, who took an interest in him, allowed him to be personally trained by him early. After that, however, his childhood dream slowly grew into a nightmare.Each day, Piter went through the same training as the other soldiers did-carrying things for them that were much more than his weight, working and exercising under the grueling sun on concrete ground, and even killing innocent animals. His day would start before the sun would rise up, and his night would end as the next day started. He hardly had time to eat, sleep, and even hang out with friends.Piter was constantly degraded and abused by General Nikolai. A few times he was compared to his best friend, Krusveto, even to the point where the General would choose him if Piter himself wasn't meeting his expectations. Overtime, his mother became slowly ill to the point where she was bedridden. In order for General Nikolai to keep Piter on a tight leash, he promised he wouldn't force his friend to join the army or do the same cruel things he did; and also promised that his mother was medically taken care of. Everytime Piter refused to do something for him, he would question and threaten his loyalty towards the federation-which, in the end, he abides to him.Piter keeps in close contact with his mother through letters, even though there has been a constant delay. She always wanted him to be happy and be of service to the village. If only his mother could see him now...
Fun Facts
Piter was originally going to be a filler character, but then ended up being a main character. His design was come up quick and was inspired by one of the characters from the videogame "Pathologic." The half colors of his face and hair is inspired by his "two-faced" attitude.
The alternate spelling "Piter" was used instead of "Peter." Part of the inspiration was from a typo in the subtitles of Metro 2033 video game adaptation of the book. This was also so he can stand out as a unique character.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (mention)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (flashback)
Chapter 7 (mention)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (flashback, mention)
Chapter 11 (flashback)
Chapter 14 (Including flashback)
Side Story Chapters:
MASQUE Chapter 1

Full Name: Svetzarova Polina Makarovna
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'7 (170.18 cm)
Weight: 126lbs (57.15 kg)
Lady Polina was born in a wealthy family that was passed down from generation to generation. As a child growing up, she was under pressure from her mother to learn and act like a lady-which meant learning how to dance, dress presentably, play the piano, and partake in parties. Althought it was stressful, she abided to it with little complications and raised to think it was just a way of life and a mere chore.Lady Polina had a close relationship to her father, who spent time with him a lot as her mother was responsible for making and keeping connections between royalty and businessmen. After frequenting the garden in the noble district many times, she wanted to grow a garden of her very own in front of her home. Her father was hesitant since managing the gardens was for the peasants and workers, but allowed her to grow one since it made her happy. Despite the talks that went around him about his daughter doing such a thing, she managed to silently wow the district with various beautiful flowers and decorative vines.Her mother reminded her that reputation was very important for her and her family, and any negative rumors or suspicious talk could affect her stance within the district. Polina spoke up against her one day, wondering why she needs to continue doing such strict and repetitive things like a statue. Her mother snapped back, saying because of that, it could make her lose connections, possible engagements, and riches because of that.With that reason, and not wanting to escalate the fight, she oblidged to it. Certain times her father suggested being courted by well-known and/or powerful figures. However, she denied and casted it aside each time. She believed that marriage was not about business or benefit, it was about love-and hoped if she ends up marrying or dating someone, it would be for that reason.
Fun Facts
Polina's profile and personality was partly taken from my RPG story. She is not as rude and uptight as her, but her status as a noble, she would say things that would sound very rude to normal people, but is actually normal around the nobles.
Polina was partly inspired by the "You are my Sunshine" song.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 14 (Flashback)
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Zavinskovna Rschvanya Gazvelovna
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'11 (180.34 cm)
Weight: 124 lbs (56.2 kg)
Rschvanya was born into a poor family in Russia. Her father was an alcoholic that would take his anger out on his wife, who in turn became abusive to her daughter. However, despite all of the domestic abuse Rschvanya went through, she still tries to help her family by taking multiple jobs like selling newspapers and cleaning to earn money. One day, Rsch's mother took her to the park and left her there, saying "Stay here, I have a matter to attend to." Rschvanya obeyed her mother's instructions and patiently sat on a nearby bench in the park while waiting for her mother. Soon, it started to snow and a man walked up in front of her, calling out her name and telling her that her mother had sent him to pick her up because she was occupied with something. Rsch was hesitant at first but she remembered that the stranger had called out her name, so she believed he was trustworthy. After a few minutes, Rsch felt that something was amiss and looked around. This wasn't the same street that led to her house. Rsch heard the roar of an engine behind her. As she turned around, a van with an open door was driving straight towards her. Rsch was thrown in the van. She screamed but was quickly muffled and was knocked out with a swift blow to her neck.Rschvanya woke up in a cell with tight cuffs around her neck, legs, and arms which stung her skin. She turned around to see similarly cuffed children as well. Confused and nervous, she asked, "What is going on? What is this place?" She was met with silence, she continued to probe further until a man unlocked the cell gate and entered. He looked down on Rschvanya with a menacing stare, and started to beat her down until she fell unconscious. The man took a look at his bloodied gloves with disgust and threw them into a bin. The cycle of abuse continued on for weeks but Rsch still managed to make friends with other captive children, some of whom viewed her as an older sister. Day after day, night after night, more children were taken from the cell and forced into a room. Eventually, Rschvanya was chosen and was separated from her friends. Instead of being dragged into the room, she was forced into another cell. This cell was empty, with only the frigid wind entering through a barred window to keep her company. The cell had a thick steel door instead of a gate, and the barred window was placed way beyond Rschvanya's reach. The floor provided no form of insulation, and the only layer of protection Rsch had against the freezing cold was her damaged winter jacket. She sat in a corner of her cell, sobbing until she heard a child's voice from the window. Despite not knowing each other's names, the two still became friends.After weeks of careful planning, Rschvanya managed to escape captivity and attempted to free her other friends; but as she was doing so, she was seen by a guard who immediately began pursuit. She instinctively ran away, exiting the building. She ran as far away as her legs could go but they eventually gave away. Rschvanya could make out multiple silhouettes spreading out in the thick snow searching for her. She hid in a bush and held her breath as one of the guards walked past her. Rsch could feel an adrenaline rush whenever the guard's flashlight shone near her. "Shit, she ain't here." The guard spat on the ground and went to patrol somewhere else. Rschvanya heaved a sigh of relief but soon she was hit by realization, that she abandoned her friends. She didn't even manage to tell the boy who came to visit her that she was gone. She began to cry, but the piercing cold forbade her from doing so, forcing her to move on. She shielded her eyes as she journeyed through the winter night, eventually finding a city. Rschvanya wandered around the streets, where she was found by an old homeless man, who treated her wounds and fed her some food. While Rschvanya was extremely skeptical of the stranger, she eventually warmed up to him once she knew that he harbored no ill intentions. From then on, the old man taught her how to defend herself, as well as how to lockpick her way out of cuffs. Eventually, he taught her how to pickpocket the rich folk in the area as well, once he knew that he couldn't support the both of them. He knew it was a bad thing to teach a child, but he knew it was necessary for Rsch's survival once he is no longer around. One morning, Rsch woke up to find herself covered by a dark blue jacket. She recognized it as the one the old man wore. She bid good morning to the homeless man sitting upright, who didn't respond. "Mister?" She said while gently tugging on his shirt. The only response she got was when the man collasped on the ground. As her eyes adjusted, she could tell that his skin was very pale, and there was no condensation coming from his mouth. Rsch held his hand, it was cold to the touch, and she couldn't feel his pulse. He had died of hypothermia.Rschvanya was left all alone to survive with nothing but the knowledge she had gained from the old man. At first it started with her luring other men with her looks, but it slowly escalated to murder once the other men became wary due to rumors. It wasn't long until she got arrested by the local police, but she had always managed to escape, infuriating the police and forcing them to resort to violence once she was caught again. Rschvanya eventually caught the attention of the police chief, who used her as a scapegoat for the crimes they committed and placed a bounty on her head. Although the bounty on her head increased steadily every week, most of the homeless people in town knew that Rschvanya was not responsible for most of the crimes that she was blamed for. Rschvanya had helped out a lot of the homeless people, some of which even managed to get back on their feet. Although those that managed to get out of poverty left the town due to how corrupt the police was, some stayed in town to support Rsch. After the police had placed wanted posters of Rschvanya in town, some of the homeless folk would replace her picture with a severely vandalized photo of the police chief or would just tear the poster off the wall.
Fun Facts
Coming soon...
Scenes from HF
Wall buddies
Left Behind
Little Rsch
Merry Christmas
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 1 to 2
Chapter 3 (indirect and direct mention)
Chapter 4 through 9
Chapter 10 (mention)
Chapter 14 (mention)
Side Story Chapters:

Mrs. Sascha
(Formerly Miss Sascha)
Gender: Female
45 (Past)
64 (Current)
5'10/177.8 cm (Past)
5'7/170.18 cm(Current)
115 lbs/52.2 kg(Past)
131 lbs/61.7 kg(Current)
In the past, Miss Sascha was known for being one of the leaders of prostitution in the slums. Not only she was highly requested for her "services," her job also included protecting the men and women who worked for her; and keep up with the marketing appeal. It was thanks to her that some of the poor had decent shelter, food, and medicine-almost all made by herself by having access to rare ingredients. Some rumors in the village were heard that she made supernatural potions-some being made to kill, heal, or even fall in love.One night, coming back after a long day of "business," she found Alexandr in her room. Thinking it was another customer, she was stopped by him before doing so. He said he just wanted a room to sleep in for the night and didn't think that the establishment was a brothel. Alexandr stayed in hiding in her room during the night. However, after a few days passed, she received a surprise, abrupt visitor: General Nikolai. While keeping the General distracted for a lovely morning, Alexandr made his escape-dodging a huge bullet, leading the General to look elsewhere in other towns, and being indebted to Miss Sascha to this day.Miss Sascha's demeanor is cold towards others, seeing as it was useless to get close to others because of the type of work she did. Seeing as Alexandr was one of the few men that respected her as a person, she softened up to him-even his attitude being contagious to her. After retiring, the two ended up marrying and spent their days together in a normal, peaceful life. While Alexandr couldn't be her first, he could at least be her last.
Fun Facts
Mrs. Sascha's young appearance and design was inspired by the Final Fantasy VI enemy Dahling/Misty.
She is the only character with no known full name. In fact, her birthplace is completely unknown.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (Mention)
Chapter 4
Chapter 10
Chapter 14 (mention)
Side Story Chapters:
MASQUE Chapter 1

Name: Savva
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Height: 6'1 (185.4 cm)
Weight: 182lbs (82.6 kg)
Before giving up on life, Savva worked as a delivery man alongside his son, Miral. He would travel from town to town pulling a wagon to deliver goods and special requests for villagers-even if it meant not earning a ruble for it.Savva holds huge disdain towards the military and police force in his home village, to a point where he doesn't lay an eye or say any words to them. One day, he and his son were captured and interrogated on the whereabouts of Alexandr; which they didn't know where he would be-and even if they did, it would come with a huge risk of revealing hidden passageways under the town.With Piter and the rest unable to get any answers after continuously beating them, they were thrown out of the street; and only one survived. Pulling through with losing an eye, tooth, and scars that won't seem to heal; Savva spends his days watching over the children of the slums to make sure they were sheltered and safe. However, he never grew any attachment to any of them after losing his own son.On days and times where he had nothing to do, he would drink away his worries and life to the point where he would black out through the night, that is until someone with a radiant sunshine stumbled upon him...
Fun Facts
Savva's attitude stems from two separate characters from my RPG story.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (mention)
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Father Siergie
Gender: Male
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Father Siergie was inspired by Father Bamph of the priests in the "Ragnarok Online" quest "Curse of the Gaebolg."
Father Siergie's spelling was altered in order to avoid confusion and out of respect for GarbageChocolate's fanmade parents.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 3
Chapter 12 (Flashback)
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Father Vadeem
Gender: Male
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Father Vadeem was inspired by Father Biscuss of the priests in the "Ragnarok Online" quest "Curse of the Gaebolg."
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 12 (flashback, mention)
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Valene O'Brien
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 6'0 (182.9 cm)
Weight: 181lbs (82.1 kgs)
Hailing from a noble family of Irish warriors, Valene was trained at a young age to continue the supposed tradition. Her father, failing to have sons in the immediate family, decided to give a chance to raise the two sisters as warriors as a suggestion from the mother. Traditionally, her training included mastery in fencing, archery, swordsmanship, and lancing. While Valene was excelling in all, Aileen's skills were lacking. This led to Valene getting more attention and focused due to her skills, dexterity, and strength. There were much higher expectations of her, yet fear slowly loomed over her family.The Brien family received a letter from a far away land that were in need of soldiers due to shortage. Seeing that war was being foreshadowed in the countryland, her father encouraged her to go abroad to protect her. Valene, at first, refused but was talked into it with the many advantages of it; such as housing, food, ease of the job, and most important of all: independence. Before sailing on a ship heading to her new home, Aileen caught up with her at the last minute and tagged along-not taking "no" for an answer.After integrating into the new society with her sister, the two underwent training in a camp to become officers. During an emergency through the normal drills, Valene ended up saving Mikhail's life one day when he was trying to rescue a family being attacked by a bear-which only lead him leaving with a scar on his face. Valene and Aileen ended up being assigned under Mikhail after his sudden promotion. Even when they were not working together, Valene and Mikhail always found the a way to spend time together; mostly talking about weapon interests. Valene prefers traditional, medieval-type weapons while Mikhail opts for more military.Overtime, the woman has proved to be a force to be reckoned with. Deadly marksmanship with arrows and crossbows, the ability to counter and subdue violent criminals, and beating everyone at a drinking contest, Valene is a walking representation from her homeland, Ireland, of the fierce warriors.
Fun Facts
Valene's pattern is based on the "Crann Bethadh," which is "The Celtic Tree of Life." It represents strength, wisdom, longetivity, and growth.
The dynamic between her and Mikhail was inspired by Handzy's genderbend AU of Krusveto and Rschvanya.
Anyone who has challenged Valene to a drinking contest has lost.
Valene has not much interests in antiquities and jewelry, as they remind her of the restricted lifestyle of her home.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 10
Chapter 12 (Mention)
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Vantoevski
Gender: Male
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Initially, Vantoevski did not have a name at first, and was originally referred to as "The Homeless Man." The name was created after the end of the flashbacks of the story. This lead to the belief that names were a mistake, as if anyone knew his name could spell trouble.
Main Story Chapters:
All flashbacks in:
Chapter 6 through 9
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Vasil
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Profile coming soon
Fun Facts
Igor and Vasil are based on the recurring characters of Biggs and Wedge in the Final Fantasy series.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 1 (mention)
Chapter 3
Chapter 11
Chapter 14
Side Story Chapters:

Full Name: Prohkorichna Vesna Diomdevna
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 5'9 (175.26 cm)
Weight: 153lbs (69.2 kg)
Vesna came from a poor family in the slums, where they were hardly getting by everyday. However, due to her parents getting much older and sicker, they noticed that one of the nobles was in need of another maid-specifically Lord Evgeniy.After striking a deal for her to be married to him and work under him, Vesna worked alongside the other maids in the house. However, she was prone to more work, abuse, and degradation from Evgeniy. When she finished the clothes, there were more on purpose. When the floors were clean, they were dirtied on purpose. After cleaning his room, however, she found something that would change everything: hidden documents and a birth certificate. With this in hand, she knew she had power over him.Vesna, spending his money for new dresses and jewelry for herself, was confronted by him. He was shocked that all his servants were serving her and obeying her. She revealed in front him that he wasn't completely a member of the royal family because his mother, a baroness, had an affair. She doesn't have to do what he says and owns half of his assets. If he disrespects her, she has a draft article already printed to let the masses know. He says there is no point as he single handedly helped establish most of the economy. However, she reminds him that the only reason he received an audience to own land and command the economy was because of the supposed hint of blood. If she revealed it, this could make Lord Evgeniy lose everything, and if anything else, any form of negative news is just enough for the dumb masses to look down upon him. This ends up being the only woman he respects, not only out of fear, but admiring the cunningness of the woman.
Fun Facts
coming soon
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 7
Chapter 14 (Flashback)
Side Story Chapters:

Name: Dzvezdev Yanni Renatski
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6'0 (182.88 cm)
Weight: 158lbs (71.67 kg)
Coming from a family of famous magicians and performers, Yanni grew up in a lower noble home with his parents. Tasked with sorting props, masks, and materials for his parents; and being a boy of servitude to them, life seemed grand.However, Yanni has struggled with his identity since he was a child. Comparing himself to the performers, Yanni always seemed to hide under a mask of his own. He was the opposite of what a boy should act and be. One day while serving tea to his parents, his parents were concerned about how he was feeling. Knowing that his parents loved him, he came out to them that he was gay.Betrayed after confiding to them, Yanni was kicked out of his home; and his parents spared him from reporting him to the police. Yanni wandered the markets and slums for days before being founded and taken in by Alexandr and Miss Sascha-despite who he was.Yanni grew up around learning a lot of things from Alexandr-carpentry, building, mapping, cooking, bartending, gardening, shooting-he was more of a father to him than his parents were. He grew up to admire and be like him. Despite living in poor conditions that soon would be better, Yanni was much happier with his new life since he could be himself around the people he loved.
Fun Facts
Yanni's name was made up in a short amount of time (about 30 minutes).
Yanni's appearance was inspired by the Magypsies of MOTHER 3.
The song Yanni sings at the beginning of chapter 6 is the song "Old-man Ataman."
His transition from a cyan vest in the past to a pink vest as a way of "coming out."
Yanni's side story and origins were inspired by a story where a camp was disguised as a gay conversion camp. After the kids that attended head back home, their progress was written and recorded, showing all the productive things they learned and the things they contributed to society while still being themselves.
Growing up, he grew a mustache to be like Alexandr.
Main Story Chapters:
Chapter 5 to Chapter 6
Side Story Chapters: